Ilionej usually tries to stream 2 days a week, but such as real life exists and can cause interference. Therefore no stream is safe, but be sure to check Ilionej's Twitter for last minute changes or join the Discord server Spool of Cords (Just type !discord in Ilionej’s channel chat any time you like, even if she’s offline, follow the link and accept. An account on Discord is free. That easy.) for a nice overview on major updates. These are announced in the - tada - #announcements.
But here is a rough schedule of possible days Ilionej might stream on, all CET (Central European Time). Times can be subject to change as well and don’t get mad if stream starts 5-10 minutes later.
Days are NOT fixed stream days! Ilionej has a part-time job with no regular schedule. Thanks.
WEDNESDAY | 4:00pm - 9:00pm |
THURSDAY (only possible during Austrian summer break and on occasions) |
4:00pm - whenever |
FRIDAY | 4:00pm - 9:00pm |
SATURDAY (might become rare due to job) | 4:00pm - 9:00pm |
SUNDAY | 4:00pm - 8:00pm |
The next possible stream day will be announced at the end of each stream(check the vod or its upload to Youtube) and appear as the current stream title latest an hour after the past stream(which is more reliable than the vod, as dates may change). Ilionej will also announce it on Twitter in the course of updating this. If you want an up-to-date schedule, join the discord server(type !discord in chat any time you like - friendly reminder..)