Be kind to each other, reasonable and have fun. That's all I really ask for.
Swearing is okay, but if you have to, why don't you be creative There's so many funny ways to swear. If you can't think of any, there's
always the lovely censoring ****** . =)
Emotes - keep it classy and don't make the chat turn into Google's picture search. Thx.(Raids are an exception. :) )
DON’T SCREAM TOO MUCH!!! (aka try to figure how to turn off your capslock..)
NO!!! An absolute no to racist / sexist / hateful / bully / political / religious / otherwise controversial discussions! No health advices either!(except for
encouraging more sleep) We are all different and this is not the place to argue about it! Thanks! Only general exception: in-fandom matters. But if I say stop, it's stop or ban!
I understand if your rule-breaking happens in some weird mood, and I'll keep an eye shut if you apologise. But if I find that mood to occur often, I will give you
the option to leave and not come back for a while voluntarily. Don't make me ban you.
Ban =/= freak out. You will only get banned if your leap over the border happened, as said, more than once and is absolutely unforgivable.
No advertising your or others' channels unless given explicit permission. Ilionej will likely ask YOU anyway.
No backseating! (unless you mean “sitting to the backrest of your chair”) Only give hints if Ilionej asks.
No trolling. You might receive a nice stare and the trollolol music from Ilionej, but it may also result in a ban. And by ban, this means an insta-ban.
Keep it English. We want everyone to understand you. German allowed to limitations, but you will find Ilionej try to translate for the rest of the world and it
MIGHT get annoying from time to time. If you want to exchange languages, sure! As long as you keep it tasty! For in-depth-learning, just join her Discord server Spool of Cords
(!discord in chat at any time) and go to #isnospeaklanguage
Don’t talk about your age, especially if you’re under 18. Don’t even joke about it. Twitch has algorithms for sorting out underage people in channels with mature
tag(for whatever reason the caster picked it) and these can NOT differ truth from joke. People have accidentally been suspended for too carelessly talking about LEVELS too. So be careful.
Don’t ask to be a mod(moderator). Ilionej will ask personally if she wants someone to be a mod. Keep in mind that she(as most streamers) prefers to have known the
person for a long while and trusts them to know, understand and take the channel rules seriously.
Don’t solicit(beg/ask for) gift subs, money, or even just shoutouts. If you do so, be prepared for a sassy answer and Ilionej or one of her moderators taking
action. (warning + timeout > reference to rules > ban if offence continues.)
Have fun, enjoy and leave your depression to the power of imaginary sunlight, LEDs, sparkles and unicorns!